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3 years ago
#> Note : many answers have an extra hint.
#To popup the hint, simply leave the mouse over the sentence for 1 second, a tooltip will appear.
#{Yes, like that :-)}
#X [How do I re-order my icons?]]
#> Simply drag with the mouse, and drop wherever you wish.
#{Tip: you can even re-order icons of active applications.}
#X [How do I position applets and taskbar icons at the beginning of the dock?]
#> In the «icons» module, at the bottom, you can select icon order according to type (launcher/appli/applet).
#{Tip: you can also position applets amongst launchers, by ticking the box below.}
#M[Icons] Go to the «Icons» module.
#X [How do I change an icon image?]
#> In the “Icons” module, you can choose an <b>icon theme</b>. Just choose a theme, and apply.
#All the themes installed on your system are listed, plus the 'Custom icons' theme, which represent the icons provided by the Cairo-Dock's theme;
# they are located in ~/.config/cairo-dock/current_theme/icons, and you can add personal icons there.
#If you choose nothing, the default icon theme of your system will be used.
#{Tip: you can also edit a launcher's configuration directly and set a path for an image. If you do not enter a path, but simply the name of an image, do not give the extension (.svg, .png, etc.), so as to let the dock choose the best.}
#M[Icons] Go to the «Icons» module.
#X [How do I remove many icons quickly?]
#> Just drag and drop them out of the dock, they will disappear in an explosion !
#{Hint : if you delete an icon pointing to a sub-dock, you will be offered to either delete the sub-dock’s icons or to move them in the main dock.}
#X [How can I resize my icons?]
#> In the 'Icons' modules, you can setup the default size of your icons by type : launchers, apps, applets and separators.
#You can also setup the zoom factor.
#{Hint : You can define the size of each applet independently, to any size smaller or equal to the default size. Set it to 0x0 to use the default size.}
#M[Icons] Go to the «Icons» module.
#X [I want to see a preview of opened applications by moving my cursor over its icon]
#>If you're using Compiz, you can open the Compiz Config Setting Mananger (ccsm) and enable the 'Thumbnail' module.
#G [sh '/usr/share/cairo-dock/help_scripts.sh' compiz_plugin thumbnail && dbus-send --session --dest=org.freedesktop.compiz /org/freedesktop/compiz/thumbnail/screen0/current_viewport org.freedesktop.compiz.set boolean:false;sh -c "ps aux | grep -v grep | grep -c 'compiz'"]If you're using Compiz, you can click on this button:
#{Tip: If this line is grayed, it's because this tip is not for you.)
#X [How do I position my dock on the screen?]
#> Everything is in the «Position» module. You can choose to position it on the bottom, top, left or right side of your screen.
#Moreover, you can also position it at the beginning, centre or end of the screen border.
#{Tip: If you have multiple screens managed by Xinerama, you can tick the option «Use Xinerama», and choose the screen where you wish your dock to be positioned.}
#M[Position] Go to the «Position» module.
#X [How do I adjust the position of the dock above the Gnome-panel?]
#> In the «Position» module, you can add an offset to the screen border.
#{Tip: you can also simply drag your dock with the mouse by pressing the ALT key at the same time.}
#M[Position] Go to the «Position» module.
#X [The dock is hidden by the Gnome-panel]
#> This is normal, because they are both «docks».
# You can either move the dock out of the panel, or launch it wih the command «cairo-dock --keep-above».
# But you can also (re)move the Gnome-Panel by doing a right click on it.
#X [I don’t want other windows covering the dock]
#> Just choose the corresponding option in the “Accessibility” module.
#This will reserve the space for the dock only.
#{Tip: You can even do that with desklets: making a desklet's panel !.}
#M[Accessibility] Go to the «Accessibility» module.
#X [I don’t want that the dock covers windows]
Xkeep below=
#> Two choices are available in the “Accessibility” module:
# - either choose to “keep the dock below other windows”. The dock will then pop-up when you place the mouse on its screen border.
# - or choose the auto-hide. The dock will then hide itself and reappear when you enter the trigger zone.
#{Tip: You can choose to pop-up the dock only when the mouse hits the screen corner instead of the whole screen border.
#You can also set-up the size of the trigger zone, and even set an image to it.}
keep below=
#M[Accessibility] Go to the «Accessibility» module.
#X [How can I add a separator?]
#> Simply right-click on the dock where you wish to add a separator and select «add a separator».
#You can position it wherever you wish (except in amongst taskbar icons) by dragging it with the mouse.
#{Tip: if you choose to mix applets and launchers in the 'Icons' module, you can also place separators between applets then.}
#X [I don't want to have a separator between launchers , applications and applets.]
Xauto sep=
#> In the «Icons» module, in the «separator» section, untick the box that says «add automatic separators».
auto sep=
#M[Icons] Go to the «Icons» module.
#X [How do I add a sub-dock?]
#> Just right-click on the dock, then select «Add a sub-dock». Fill the config panel with a name and image, then confirm.
#{Tip: If you want to move an icon into another dock, right-click on it, go to 'Move to', and choose the one you want in the list. You can do the same with applets as well, allowing you to group many applets in a sub-dock. You can also create new main docks this way.}
#X [How can I have many main docks?]
#> Right-click on a launcher or an applet, go to 'Move to', and choose 'a new main dock'. A new dock will be created, with this icon inside.
#{Hint: you can then move icons inside this new dock by following the previous method and selecting the dock you've just created.
#To place this new dock, right click on it, and in the Cairo-dock sub-menu choose “configure this dock”.}
#X [How can I have a 3D dock?]
#> Any dock can be displayed with one view, and many views are available (3D, Curve, etc).
#Then, go to the «Views» module, and choose the view you wish to use for main dock, and for sub-dock.
#{Tip: you can set up the view for each sub-dock. Simply edit the icon pointing to the sub-dock and choose the view you wish to use for it.}
#M[Views] Go to the «Views» module.
#X [How can I change the background of my docks?]
#> In the 'Background' module, you can either choose an image, or a color gradation.
#If you set an image, it will be used as the background, if you don't, the gradatoin will be used.
#{Hint : the Parabolic view doe not have a background, but the Slide and Rainbow views have their own background parameters.}
#M[Background] Go to the «Background» module.
#X [I find the dock too flashy, can it be more sober?]
#> Who can do more can do less ! You can for instance deactivate the "Icon effects" plug-in,
# or deactivate the effect on mouse hovering in "Animated Icon" plug-in.
#You can also decrease the zoom effect or lower the icons' reflect in the "Icon" module,
# change the background colors in the "Background" module, or change the view to the "default" view in the "Views" module.
#In brief, you can easily have something as much sober as a gnome-panel, but this would be a shame ! ^_^
#{Hint : try different themes, some are already very sober, like Dust-Sand or Elementary.}
#X [What are «desklets»?]
#> Desklets are widgets which are displayed on your desktop. Each applet can be detached from the dock to act as a desklet.
#{Tip: to detach an applet, you can drag and drop its icon from the dock to the desktop}
#X [How do I configure their position?]
#> Simply drag them with the mouse.
#{Tip: If you don't want to move it any more, you can lock its position. Simply right click on the desklet, and select «lock position». To unlock it, de-select this option.}
#X [How do I configure their behaviour?]
#> There are small buttons on the top and left side of the desklet. They allow you to rotate the desklet in 3D !
#{Tip: if you lock the desklet, the buttons will not appear. You can reset a rotation by middle-clicking on the appropriate button.}
#X [How do I change their decorations?]
#> The default decoration is defined in the «Desklets» module.
#Moreover, each desklet can have its own decoration. To change a desklet's decoration,
# go to the applet's configuration, click on the «desklet» tab, and then choose the decoration you wish to use.
#{Tip: you can add new decorations by choosing «Personalised» decoration, and providing a background and/or foreground image. You can configure the offsets of these images to adjust the position of the drawings inside the decorations.}
#M[Desklets] Go to the «Desklets» module.
#X [How do I insert a desklet into the dock?]
#> Simply click on the top right button.
#{Hint : if the desklet is locked, the button won’t appear.}
#X [How do I place a desklet on the <i>Compiz Widget Layer</i>?]
#> In the Compiz-Fusion config, enable the 'Widget Layer' plugin, and set the rule (name=cairo-dock & type=utility).
#You can then switch an applet to the Widget Layer by left-clicking on its desklet and selecting 'Compiz-Fusion Widget'.
#{Tip: you may have to switch to the Widget Layer once so that Compiz takes the change into account.}
#G [sh -c "gconftool-2 --type string --set /apps/compiz/plugins/widget/screen0/options/match '(name=cairo-dock & type=utility)'";sh -c "ps aux | grep -v grep | grep -c 'compiz'"]If you're using Compiz, you can click on this button:
#{Tip: If this line is grayed, it's because this tip is not for you.)
#X [How do I enable the Taskbar?]
#> Go to the «Taskbar» module, then tick the first box, and apply.
#{Tip: All the Taskbar options are grouped together in this module.
#M[TaskBar] Go to the «TaskBar» module.
#X [I don't want to have lots of icons in the dock when I use Gimp/Pidgin/etc]
#> In the «TaskBar» module, you can use the «Group windows from the same application in a sub-dock» option. Only a single icon will appear in the dock.
#If there are several windows, they will be grouped together in a sub-dock above this icon.
#{Tip: You can then scroll on this icon to switch from a window to another, in an ALT+TAB style.
#M[TaskBar] Go to the «TaskBar» module.
#X [I have ugly icons for some applications.]
#> This is because X provides small icons for applications which look ugly when zoomed.
# In the «TaskBar» module, you can use the «Overwrite the X icon with the launchers' icon?» option to tell the dock not to use them.
#{Tip: This way, you can configure your personal icon for any application. Just place an icon with the same name as the class of the application in a folder used by the dock (by default, ~/.config/cairo-dock/current_theme/icons)
#The class of an application can be found by typing «xprop |grep CLASS» in a terminal, then clicking on the window of the application.}
#M[TaskBar] Go to the «TaskBar» module.
#X [When I launch a program with its launcher, I don't want an additional icon in the taskbar]
#> In the «TaskBar» module, you can use the «Mix launchers and applications» option.
#When a program is launched, if it has a launcher in the dock, the launcher icon will be marked with an icon to indicate that the corresponding application is running.
#You can then act on the window as if it were a taskbar icon.
#{Tip: to launch another instance of the program, shift+click on the launcher.}
#M[TaskBar] Go to the «TaskBar» module.
#X [I'm using Pidgin, and I want to see my friends' avatars.]
Xnot overwrite=
#> If you chose to overwrite X icons, you can add an exception for Pidgin just before this option.
#If you chose to mix applications and launchers, you can edit the Pidgin launcher,
# and in the «Extra parameters», tick the option to not steal the icon for this application.
not overwrite=
#M[TaskBar] Go to the «TaskBar» module.
#X [How can I quickly navigate between many windows of the same application quickly?]
#> Scroll on the icon of one of the windows of this application, or even on the icon pointing to the sub-dock if you group windows in a sub-dock.
#{Tip: you can also close all the windows of this application by middle-clicking on the icon pointing to the sub-dock.}
[Replacing the Gnome-panel]
#X [How can I add the main menu?]
Xmain menu=
#> Enable the GMenu applet.
#{Tip: if you have removed your Gnome-panel, then the «alt+F1» shortkey will no longer work. This applet lets you configure a shortcut to pop up the menu at the mouse's location.}
main menu=
#M[GMenu] Go to the «GMenu» module.
#X [How can I add a simple «quick launch» panel?]
Xquick launch=
#> Enable the Gmenu applet. then you can have it by middle-clicking on its icon.
#{Tip: if you removed your Gnome-panel, then the «alt+F2» shortkey will no longer work. This applet lets you configure a shortcut to pop up the quick-launch dialog.}
quick launch=
#M[GMenu] Go to the «GMenu» module.
#X [How can I add a Log-out icon?]
#> Enable the «Log-out» applet.
#{Tip: In the latest version of GNOME, there are 2 panels: one to log out, and one to turn off the computer. The first one is raised by a click on the icon, the second by a middle-click, but the applet lets you reverse this order, and even lets you enter your own commands.}
#M[logout] Go to the «Log-out» module.
#X [How can I access the dustbin?]
#> Simply enable the «Dustbin» applet.
#{Tip: you can delete a file by dragging it into the dustbin. You can even unmount a mount-point this way!}
#M[dustbin] Go to the «Dustbin» module.
#X [How can I access my mount points?]
#> Simply enable the «Shortcuts» applet.
#{Tip: you can mount a volume by clicking on its icon. To unmount it, middle-click on its icon, or right-click and select «unmount».}
#M[shortcuts] Go to the «Shortcuts» module.
#X [How can I access my Nautilus bookmarks?]
#> Simply enable the «shortcuts» applet.
#{Tip: you can add a bookmark by dragging the folder onto the applet or into its sub-dock. You can also rename and remove bookmarks. This will also take effect in Nautilus immediately, and vice versa.}
#M[shortcuts] Go to the «Shortcuts» module.
#X [How can I access my desktop?]
Xshow desktop=
#> Simply enable the «showDesktop» applet.
#{Tip: middle-clicking on the icon will hide all windows, but not desklets.}
show desktop=
#M[showDesktop] Go to the «Show Desktop» module.
#X [How can I add an easy-to-acces calendar?]
#> Enable the «Clock» applet. Clicking on it will display a calendar, clicking again will hide it.
#M[clock] Go to the «Clock» module.
#X [How can I add the notification area (systray)?]
#> Enable the «Systray» applet. For the moment it cannot be displayed directly in the dock,
#so clicking on the icon will pop-up a dialog containing the systray, middle-click will hide it.
#We recommend detaching this applet to make it a desklet. Place it in a corner of your screen and keep it above other windows.
#M[systray] Go to the «Systray» module.
#X [How can I add an easy-to-access terminal with real transparency, like Tilda?]
#> Enable the «Terminal» applet. You can detach it and place it on the Widget Layer for instance, or configure a shortkey to make it pop up instantly.
#{Tip: clicking next to the last tab will create a new tab. Double-clicking on a tab allows you to rename it. You can even change the colour of a tab!}
#M[terminal] Go to the «terminal» module.
#X [So then, how can I remove completely the gnome-panel?]
#> Open gconf-editor, edit the key /desktop/gnome/session/required_components/panel, and replace its content with "cairo-dock".
#Then restart your session : the gnome-panel has not been started, and the dock has been started (if not, you can add it to the startup programs).
#G [sh -c "gconftool-2 --type string --set /desktop/gnome/session/required_components/panel '(cairo-dock'";sh -c "ps aux | grep -v grep | grep -c 'gnome-settings-daemon'"]If you are on Gnome, you can click on this button in order to automatically modify this key:
#{Tip: If this line is grayed, it's because this tip is not for you.)
[Other applets]
#X [How do I run the same applet multiple times?]
#> Some applets can have several instances running at the same time: Clock, Cairo-Penguin, Weather, Netspeed, ...
#Right click on the applet's icon, and select «launch another instance». A new instance of this applet appears in the main dock.
#You can configure this new applet just like any other.
#{Tip: This allows you, for example, to have the current time for different countries in your dock or to have several animated characters in your dock or the weather in different cities.}
#X [I have a personal gauge that I want to use in the dock (for System-Monitor or others).]
#> Move the folder containing your gauge to ~/.config/cairo-dock/extras/gauges
#X [I have a personal Cairo-Clock theme that I want to use in the «clock» applet.]
#> Move the folder containing your theme to ~/.config/cairo-dock/extras/clock
#{Tip: the same goes on for all applets that propose a theme: dustbin, Cairo-Penguin, weather, etc.}
#X [How do I change the brightness of my screen quickly?]
#> Enable the Xgamma applet, then you can scroll up/down on the icon with the mouse.
#M[Xgamma] Go to the «Xgamma» module.
#X [How can I change the speaker volume quickly?]
#> Enable the AlsaMixer applet, then you can scroll up/down on the icon with the mouse.
#M[AlsaMixer] Go to the «AlsaMixer» module.
#X [How can I quickly switch to another desktop?]
#> Activate the Switcher applet, then you can scroll up/down on the icon with the mouse to go to the previous/next desktop,
# or click on the icon to select a desktop.
#{Tip: This applet even lets you add or remove quickly a desktop !}
#M[switcher] Go to the «Switcher» module.
#X [How can I control my dock from the keyboard?]
#> Many applets have events that can be triggered by a keyboard shortcut :
# - the <i>AlsaMixer</i> applet allows you to pop-up a <b>volume button</b> that can be controlled with the left/right arrows.
# - the <i>Terminal</i> applet allows you to pop-up the <b>terminal window</b> and directly write inside it.
# - the <i>Systray</i> applet allows you to pop-up the <b>notification area</b>.
# - the <i>Quick Browser</i> applet allows you to pop-up the <b>menu browser</b>, you can then navigate inside it with the arrows.
# - the <i>GMenu</i> applet allows you to pop-up the <b>Applications</b> menu, and also a <b>quick-launcher</b> dialog box.
# - the <i>Clipper</i> applet allows you to pop-up the <b>clipboard history</b> menu.
# - and of course, the <i>Scooby-Do</i> plug-in let you <b>navigate inside your docks</b> and quickly <b>find and launch</b> applications and files !
#{Tip: When you define a shortkey, try it before to be sure that it is not already used by another application!}
#W[Forum] If you have any question, don't hesitate to ask on our forum.
#W[Wiki] Our wiki can also help you, it is more complete on some points.
#X [I have a black background around my dock.]
#> You need to turn on compositing. For instance, you can run Compiz or xcompmgr.
#If you're using XFCE or KDE, you can just enable compositing in the window manager options.
#If you're using Gnome, you can enable it in Metacity in this way :
# Open gconf-editor, edit the key '/apps/metacity/general/compositing_manager' and set it to 'true'.
#{Hint : If you have an ATI or an Intel card, you should try without OpenGL first, because their drivers are not yet perfect.}
#G [gconftool-2 --type bool --set /apps/metacity/general/compositing_manager true;sh -c "ps aux | grep -v grep | grep -c 'metacity'"]If you're on Gnome with Metacity (without Compiz), you can click on this button:
#{Tip: If this line is grayed, it's because this tip is not for you.)
#X [My machine is too old to run a composite manager.]
#> Don't panic, Cairo-Dock can emulate the transparency.
#To get rid of the black background, simply enable the corresponding option in the end of the «System» module
#X [The dock is horribly slow when I move the mouse into it.]
#> If you have an Nvidia GeForce8 graphics card, please install the latest drivers, as the first ones were really buggy.
#If the dock is running without OpenGL, try to reduce the number of icons in the main dock, or try to reduce its size.
#If the dock is running with OpenGL, try to disable it by launching the dock with «cairo-dock -c».
#X [I don't have these wonderful effects like fire, cube rotating, etc.]
#> You need a graphics card with drivers that support OpenGL2.0. Most Nvidia cards can do this, as can more and more Intel cards. Most ATI cards do not support OpenGL2.0.
#{Tip: You can force OpenGL by launching the dock with «cairo-dock -o».but you might get a lot of visual artifacts.}
#X [I don't have any themes in the Theme Manager, except the default one.]
#> Be sure that you are connected to the Net.
# If your connection is very slow, you can increase the connection timeout in the "System" module.
# If you're under a proxy, you'll have to configure "curl" to use it; search on the web how to do it (basically, you have to set up the "http_proxy" environment variable).
#{Hint : Up to version 2.1.1-2, wget was used.}
#X [The «netspeed» applet displays 0 even when I'm downloading something]
#> You must tell the applet which interface you're using to connect to the Net (by default, this is «eth0»).
#Just edit its configuration, and enter the interface name. To find it, type «ifconfig» in a terminal, and ignore the «loop» interface. It's probably something like «eth1», «ath0», or «wifi0»..
#{Tip: you can run several instances of this applet if you wish to monitor several interfaces.}
#X [The dustbin remains empty even when I delete a file.]
#> if you're using KDE, you may have to specify the path to the trash folder.
#Just edit the applet's configuration, and fill in the Trash path; it is probably «~/.locale/share/Trash/files». Be very careful when typing a path here!!! (do not insert spaces or some invisible caracters).
#X [There is no icon in the Applications Menu even though I enable the option.]
#> In Gnome, there is an option that override the dock's one. To enable icons in menus, open 'gconf-editor', go to Desktop / Gnome / Interface and enable the "menus have icons" and the "buttons have icons" options.
#G [sh -c "gconftool-2 --type bool --set /desktop/gnome/interface/menus_have_icons true && gconftool-2 --type bool --set /desktop/gnome/interface/buttons_have_icons true";sh -c "ps aux | grep -v grep | grep -c 'gnome-settings-daemon'"]If you're on Gnome you can click on this button:
#{Tip: If this line is grayed, it's because this tip is not for you.)
[The Project]
#F [Join the project!]
#> We value your help! If you see a bug, if you think something could be improved,
#or if you just made a dream about the dock, pay us a visit on cairo-dock.org.
#English (and others!) speakers are welcome, so don’t be shy ! ;-)
#If you made a theme for the dock or one of the applet, and want to share it, we’ll be happy to integrate it on our server !
#W[Documentation] If you wish to develop an applet, a complete documentation is available here.
#W[DBus API] If you wish to develop an applet in Python, Perl or any other language,
#or to interact with the dock in any kind of way, a full DBus API is described here.
#The Cairo-Dock Team
#F [Websites]
#W[Community site] Problems? Suggestions? Just want to talk to us? Come on over!
#W[Development site] Find the latest version of Cairo-Dock here !
#W[Cairo-Dock-Plug-ins-Extras] Other applets
#F [Repositories]
#W[Debian/Ubuntu] We maintain two repositories for Debian, Ubuntu and other Debian-forked:
# One for stable releases and another which is updated weekly (unstable version)
reposit_wiki_site=http://www.glx-dock.org/ww_page.php?p=From the repository&lang=en
#X [Ubuntu]
#> If you on (x/k/l)Ubuntu, you can easily add our repositories with these buttons
# (if you're using a fork of Ubuntu like Linux Mint, please have a look at our wiki).
#G [gksu "sh '/usr/share/cairo-dock/help_scripts.sh' repository no";sh -c "lsb_release -i | grep -c Ubuntu"]If you're on Ubuntu, you can add our 'stable' repository by clicking on this button:
# After that, you can launch your update manager in order to install the latest stable version.
#{Tip: If this line is grayed, it's because this tip is not for you.)
#G [gksu "sh '/usr/share/cairo-dock/help_scripts.sh' weekly no";sh -c "lsb_release -i | grep -c Ubuntu"]If you're on Ubuntu, you can also add our 'weekly' ppa (can be unstable) by clicking on this button:
# After that, you can launch your update manager in order to install the latest weekly version.
#{Tip: If this line is grayed, it's because this tip is not for you.)
#X [Debian]
#> If you on Debian, you can easily add our repositories with these buttons
# (Please check if you're using the Stable or the Unstable version of Debian).
#G [gksu "sh '/usr/share/cairo-dock/help_scripts.sh' debian_stable no";sh -c "grep -c ^Debian /etc/issue"]If you're on Debian Stable, you can add our 'stable' repository by clicking on this button:
# After that, you can purge all 'cairo-dock*' packages, update the your system and reinstall 'cairo-dock' package.
#{Tip: If this line is grayed, it's because this tip is not for you.)
#G [gksu "sh '/usr/share/cairo-dock/help_scripts.sh' debian_unstable no";sh -c "grep -c ^Debian /etc/issue"]If you're on Debian Unstable, you can add our 'stable' repository by clicking on this button:
# After that, you can purge all 'cairo-dock*' packages, update the your system and reinstall 'cairo-dock' package.
#{Tip: If this line is grayed, it's because this tip is not for you.)
#G [gksu "sh '/usr/share/cairo-dock/help_scripts.sh' debian_stable_weekly no";sh -c "grep -c ^Debian /etc/issue"]If you're on Debian Stable, you can add our 'weekly' ppa (can be unstable) by clicking on this button:
# After that, you can purge all 'cairo-dock*' packages, update the your system and reinstall 'cairo-dock' package.
#{Tip: If this line is grayed, it's because this tip is not for you.)
#G [gksu "sh '/usr/share/cairo-dock/help_scripts.sh' debian_unstable_weekly no";sh -c "grep -c ^Debian /etc/issue"]If you're on Debian Unstable, you can add our 'weekly' ppa (can be unstable) by clicking on this button:
# After that, you can purge all 'cairo-dock*' packages, update the your system and reinstall 'cairo-dock' package.
#{Tip: If this line is grayed, it's because this tip is not for you.)