


#F-[Position on the screen;/usr/share/cairo-dock/icons/icon-position.svg]

#l-[bottom;top;right;left] Choose which border of the screen the dock will be placed on:
screen border=0

#F-[Visibility of the main dock;/usr/share/cairo-dock/icons/icon-visibility.svg]

#Y-[Always on top;0;0;Reserve space for the dock;0;0;Keep the dock below;0;0;Hide the dock when it overlaps the current window;1;1;Hide the dock whenever it overlaps any window;1;1;Keep the dock hidden;1;1;Pop-up on shortcut;2;1] Visibility:
#{Modes are sorted from the most intrusive to the less intrusive.
#When the dock is hidden or below a window, place the mouse on the screen's border to call it back.
#When the dock pops up on shortcut, it will appear at the position of your mouse. The rest of the time, it stays invisible, thus acting like a menu.}

#L-[None;Move down;Fade out;Semi transparent;Zoom out;Folding] Effect used to hide the dock:
hide effect=Zoom out

#k- Keyboard shortcut to pop-up the dock:
#{When you press the shortcut, the dock will show itself at the potition of your mouse. The rest of the time, it stays invisible, thus acting like a menu.}
raise shortcut=<Primary>d

#F-[Visibility of sub-docks;/usr/share/cairo-dock/icons/icon-subdock.png]

#l-[Appear on mouse over;Appear on click] Visibility:
#{they will appear either when you click or when you linger over the icon pointing on it.}


#Y-[None;0;0;Minimalistic;1;1;Integrated;1;1;Separated;1;1] Behaviour of the Taskbar:
#{None       : Don't show opened windows in the dock.
#Minimalistic: Mix applications with its launcher, show other windows only if they are minimized (like in MacOSX).
#Integrated  : Mix applications with its launcher, show all others windows and group windows togather in sub-dock (default).
#Separated   : Separate the taskbar from the launchers and only show windows that are on the current desktop.}

#Y-[At the beginning of the dock;0;0;Before the launchers;0;0;After the launchers;0;0;At the end of the dock;0;0;After a given icon;1;1] Place new icons
place icons=2

#N Place new icons after this one
relative icon=

#F[Icons' animations and effects;/usr/share/cairo-dock/icons/icon-movment.png]

#_& On mouse hover:

#_ On click:

#l&[Evaporate;Fade out;Explode;Break;Black Hole;Random] On appearance/disappearance:




#Y-[System;0;0;Custom;1;1] Style

#C+ Colour
bg color=0.0516;0.0516;0.059999999999999998;0.77000000000000002;


#w Choose a theme of icons :
default icon directory=

#l[Very small;Small;Medium;Big;Very Big] Icons size:
icon size=3


#n Choose the default view for main docks :/
main dock view=3D plane


#n Choose the default view for sub-docks :
#{You can overwrite this parameter for each sub-dock.}/
sub-dock view=Parabolic



#{Many applets provide shortkeys for their actions. As soon as an applet is enabled, its shortkeys become available.
#Double-click on a line, and press the shortkey you want to use for the corresponding action.}