257 lines
5.8 KiB
257 lines
5.8 KiB
#1.0.14 |
#[/usr/share/cairo-dock/icons/icon-icons.svg] |
[Icon] |
#F[Icon] |
frame_maininfo= |
#d Name of the dock it belongs to: |
dock name=_MainDock_ |
#s[Default] Name of the icon as it will appear in its caption in the dock: |
name= |
#v |
sep_display= |
icon= |
#j+[0;400] Desired icon size for this applet |
#{Set to 0 to use the default applet size} |
icon size=0;0; |
#Y+[No;0;0;With default background;0;0;With custom background;1;1] Always display the icon, even when the dock is hidden? |
always_visi=0 |
#C+ Background color to add in this case |
bg color=0.80000000000000004;0.80000000000000004;0.80000000000000004;0.5; |
order=25.5 |
#A |
handbook=System Monitor |
#[/usr/share/cairo-dock/icons/icon-desklets.svg] |
[Desklet] |
#X[Position] |
frame_pos= |
#b Lock position? |
#{If locked, the desklet cannot be moved by simply dragging it with the left mouse button. It can still be moved with ALT + left-click.} |
locked=true |
#j+[24;512] Desklet dimensions (width x height): |
#{Depending on your WindowManager, you may be able to resize this with ALT + middle-click or ALT + left-click.} |
size=330;255; |
#i[-2048;2048] Desklet position (x, y): |
#{Depending on your WindowManager, you may be able to move this with ALT + left-click.} |
x position=-345 |
#i[-2048;2048] ... |
y position=-515 |
#I[-180;180] Rotation: |
#{You can quickly rotate the desklet with the mouse, by dragging the little buttons on its left and top sides.} |
rotation=0 |
#X[Visibility] |
frame_visi= |
#b Is detached from the dock |
initially detached=true |
#l[Normal;Keep above;Keep below;Keep on widget layer;Reserve space] Visibility: |
accessibility=2 |
#b Should be visible on all desktops? |
sticky=true |
#F[Decorations;preferences-desktop-theme] |
frame_deco= |
#o+ Choose a decoration theme for this desklet: |
#{Choose 'Custom decorations' to define your own decorations below.} |
decorations=dark |
#v |
sep_deco= |
#g+ Background image: |
#{Image to be displayed below drawings, e.g. a frame. Leave empty for no image.} |
bg desklet= |
#e+[0;1] Background transparency: |
bg alpha=1 |
#i+[0;256] Left offset: |
#{in pixels. Use this to adjust the left position of drawings.} |
left offset=0 |
#i+[0;256] Top offset: |
#{in pixels. Use this to adjust the top position of drawings.} |
top offset=0 |
#i+[0;256] Right offset: |
#{in pixels. Use this to adjust the right position of drawings.} |
right offset=0 |
#i+[0;256] Bottom offset: |
#{in pixels. Use this to adjust the bottom position of drawings.} |
bottom offset=0 |
#g+ Foreground image: |
#{Image to be displayed above the drawings, e.g. a reflection. Leave empty for no image.} |
fg desklet= |
#e+[0;1] Foreground tansparency: |
fg alpha=1 |
#[preferences-system] |
depth rotation y=0 |
depth rotation x=-1 |
width=92 |
height=92 |
num desktop=-1 |
no input=0 |
[Configuration] |
#l+[Gauge;Graph] Display style |
renderer=1 |
#X[Gauge;/usr/share/cairo-dock/plug-ins/shared-files/images/icon-gauge.png] |
frame_gauge= |
#h+[/usr/share/cairo-dock/gauges;gauges;gauges3;system] Gauge theme/ |
theme=Vistaish_Fire_Triple |
#l+[No;With dock orientation;Yes] Rotate applet theme : |
rotate theme=0 |
#X[Graph;/usr/share/cairo-dock/plug-ins/shared-files/images/icon-graph.png] |
frame_graph= |
#l+[Line;Plain;Bar;Circle;Plain Circle] Type of graphic : |
graphic type=0 |
#c+ High value's colour : |
#{It's the colour of the graphic for high values.} |
high color=1;0;0;1; |
#c+ Low value's colour : |
#{It's the colour of the graphic for low values.} |
low color=1;1;0;1; |
#C+ Background colour of the graphic : |
bg color=0.16666666666666669;0.16666666666666669;0.16666666666666669;0.81159420289855078; |
#b Show all values on same graph? |
mix graph=false |
#F[Parameters;preferences-system] |
frame_param= |
#b Show CPU usage? |
show cpu=true |
#b Show RAM usage ? |
show ram=true |
#b Show SWAP too? |
show swap=false |
#b Show graphic card's temperature? |
#{You need an nVidia card and the 'nvidia-settings' tool.} |
show nvidia=false |
#b Show CPU temperature? |
show cpu temp=true |
#b Show fan speed? |
show fan=true |
#b Show free memory instead of used memory? |
show free=false |
#v |
sep_param= |
#l[No;On icon;On label] Display values : |
info display=1 |
#i[1;30] Delay between refreshes: |
#{in seconds.} |
delay=3 |
#e[0;1] How smooth is the movement? |
#{You need OpenGL for this option. Set it to 0 means not used, 1 means the movement is continue.} |
smooth=0 |
#F[Alerts;dialog-warning] |
frame_warn= |
#B[2] Show alerts? |
alert=true |
#B Play a sound when displaying warning? |
asound=true |
#u Path to sound file: |
sound path=/usr/share/sounds/error.wav |
#F[System-Monitor;system-run] |
frame_sysmon= |
#s[Default] User command to display a system monitor: |
sys monitor= |
#b Steal the system monitor's icon from the taskbar? |
#{It will prevent the system monitor's icon to show in the taskbar. The applet's icon will then behave as a launcher, an application, and an applet.} |
inhibate appli=true |
#s[Default] Class of the system monitor program: |
sys monitor class= |
#F[Top List;view-sort-ascending] |
frame_top= |
#i[1;20] Number of programs to display in the top list: |
#{When you left-click on the icon, you will get the list of the N most CPU/RAM-intensive programs.} |
top=5 |
#c+ Top list start colour: |
#{The first colour of the gradient used to display the top list.} |
top color start=0.30588235294117649;0.60392156862745094;0.023529411764705882;1; |
#c+ Top list stop colour: |
#{The second colour of the gradient used to display the top list.} |
top color stop=1;1;0;1; |
#b Show top memory usage in %? |
top in percent=false |
#i[1;30] Delay between top list refreshes: |
#{in seconds.} |
top delay=2 |
HZ=100 |
#F[Graphic Card temperature;dialog-information] |
frame_nvidia= |
#i[20;60] Lower limit of graphic card temperature: |
#{in Celsius. The temperature will be displayed between this value and the upper limit.} |
llt=30 |
#i[60;120] Upper limit of graphic card temperature: |
#{in Celsius. The temperature will be displayed between this value and the upper limit.} |
ult=80 |
#i[60;120] Notification limit of graphic card temperature: |
#{in celcius.} |